"Go poke ball" cried a young girl. Her name is may and she is a pokemon trainer. "All right I caught a shiny glaceon" cheered may. But glaceon just came out on her own.
"Huh?" Wondered may. "You want to stay out?"she asked. Glaceon nodded. "Ok" may agreed. Two mounts later may woke up and glaceon was right next to her.
"I can't keep glaceon" she thought to herself. "My mum won't let me keep a shiny". The next day may have glaceon her pokeball. Glaceon was confused.
"I can't keep you glaceon. My mum won't let me keep you" said may with tears. She ran off. Glaceon looked at the pokeball and understood all that as happened. She started to cry.
"Where's glaceon?" Asked mays mum. "I let her go"answered may. "Why??" She asked. "Because I know that you wouldn't let me keep her because she's shiny" said may.
"But she helps me" she said "I like her". May just felt like an idiot. She ran outside to find her. "Glaceon!" Cries may. "I'm sorry come home". But nobody answered. The next day may started to pack.
"May?" Wondered her mum. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going to find glaceon" answered may. She ran out the door. Meanwhile glaceon found a little bag. She put the pokeball inside it. She continued to walk down in the cave.
She felt so hungry and so warm. She started to melt! There was a fire! "Help!!!" Screamed glaceon. But nobody heard her. She started to cry when may came swinging on a rope. "Gotcha" she said. "May?" Wondered glaceon. When they reached the ground glaceon put out the fire.
"You okay?" Asked may. Glaceon smiled and jumped in her arms. "What's with the bag?" She took the bag off glaceon and inside was the pokeball. They went walking outside the cave.
"I wonder what started the fire" said may. Glaceon nodded. Then she started to glow. When the glow was gone glaceon wasn't shiny anymore. "Awww" wined may. But glaceon just smiled.
Behind a tree was a flareon with a frown. :(
One day on the beach a pregnant vaporeon was giving birth. "Are you okay?" Asked ash katchem. A young boy on a pokemon journey named ash with dawn, piplup, Brock and pikachu, ash's partner. When Brock walked over he saw that she was giving birth.
But the baby wasn't coming out. "something's wrong. The baby isn't coming out" said Brock. "I'll go get nurse joy ill be right back. Make sure she's okay" said Brock. Brock ran down the road to the next city. "Vaporeon" vaporeon started to hurt.
10 minutes later Brock, nurse joy and chancy were coming down the road. "She's having trouble giving birth" said ash. "How long has she being having trouble with the baby?" Asked nurse joy. "15 minutes" answered dawn straight away.
"Va va va!" Screamed vaporeon. "The baby just came!" Said Brock. "But look at vaporeon. She's exhausted" said joy. "I'll take her to the pokemon centre to have her rest. Can you bring the baby?" Asked joy. "Sure" answered Brock.
When they were on the road the mother vaporeon was walking. "She's feeling better. That's good" said dawn. The next day ash and his friends were walking down to sunnyshore city. The vaporeon and eevee were following them. "Hmmmmm" Brock started to wonder.
"What's wrong Brock?" Asked ash. "I'm not sure. I feel like somebody is following us" answered Brock. Dawn turned around and Brock was right; the vaporeon and eevee were following them.
"Do you want to come with us?" Asked ash. The vaporeon nodded. "Go poke ball" yelled ash and dawn. Ash caught the mother but the baby ran behind ash's legs. "She needs her mothers milk. If I were you I would keep both but let them outside together" said Brock.
"Ok" said ash. "Vaporeon I chose you". In the flash of a light they were together. They started to walk to sunnyshore city and the journey continues.
My new website is about me writing stories. Most of them will be about pokemon but also clubpenguin and clubpuffle.